Are you looking for the calendar? CLICK HERE!
Community Group Leader Training - Are you interested in being a Community Group Leader? For more information or to fill out the interest form, click the link below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Bryan Lamm. Community Group Leader Training
Welcome Class - A four-week class for those new (er) to OCC! You may join the class any Sunday as each section is stand alone. We would just ask that you complete all four independent classes. Please sign up here today! (Childcare Provided)
Round Lake Christian Camp - Join us for an upcoming retreat at Round Lake Christian Camp! For more information or to register, visit Check out the schedule at
Secret Sisters - Proverbs 11:25 “The One who blesses others is abundantly blessed.” Secret Sisters is offered at different times throughout the year. Find out when the next opportunity is to join by contacting Monica White.
Simply Sisters - Proverbs 27:9 “A sweet Friendship refreshes the soul.” Simply Sisters is a great way to get to know other women one at a time for a 4 month period. Simply Sisters is offered at different times throughout the year. Find out when the next opportunity is to join by contacting Monica White.
Women’s Connect - Gatherings are the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Community Building from September through May. This is a great time to get to know each other and make new friends. We have different activities planned each month that include lessons, crafts, and fun! We can’t wait to see you on April 3rd at 6:30pm.
SOS (Sharing Our Strengths) – SOS (Sharing Our Strengths) – We meet the 2nd Monday of the month from 1:00-3:00pm at OCC. SOS is a support group for widows where you can relax and have fun while enjoying great conversations, crafts, lessons, snacks, and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you on April 14th at 1 pm.
Men's Gathering- 3rd Wed of each month @ 6:30pm We offer a monthly men's gathering that is focused on discussing Scripture, fellowship, and breaking bread. Our goal is to challenge one another to grow in maturity. Please check the calendar for the upcoming dates and times.
"2nd Sunday" @ 6pm- Student Ministry meets every second Sunday of the month to study, socialize, and snack! Bring Bibles and Friends! Talk with Jordan Smant for additional info. There is a sign-up sheet on the front table for anyone who would like to share their gift of making meals with our Student Ministry Group that meets on the Second Sunday of each month. Talk to Jordan Smant for more info.
Matthew 25 Outreach - Help to handout food (Monthly in Richland and Ashland Counties)
People Helping People - Making and distributing lunch to our neighbors in need daily opportunity.
Love Inc. - Uniting Churches to Help Neighbors in Need
Crossroads City Center - Laundry, Showers, Haircuts, and more.
Wayfinders - Providing comprehensive support to meet needs and address root causes of homelessness. Transitional Items: New or gently used pots/pans, utensils, curtains, cleaning supplies, blankets, sheets, Pillows, etc
BUY 2 GIVE 1!: Continual needs: personal hygiene, paper products, non-perishable canned goods, & milk. Disinfectant wipes, latex gloves, Lysol spray, pillows, and twin sheets!
Diapers for Shelby
No Bottom Wet Behind Diaper Bank
Donations of diapers are needed for the Shelby donation center. They give out 40 diapers per child each month. Sizes they need the most are sizes 5 and pull-ups. They also take donations of wipes and Desitin. Bring them in and place them next to the BUY 2 Give 1 laundry basket in the foyer.
Rightnow Media: Free resource for your entire family with adult bible studies, great kids content, and more. Rightnow Media Sign up:
03/23/25 - In Person Attendance: 191
Offering -$5,542
(Out of every weekly offering OCC receives, we set aside 10% of it for Missions and 5% for Benevolence.)
**Many new projects around the church are beginning. The balance of the cost will be covered by our ongoing Capital giving. All donations for improvements will go into Capital. Please write capital on these donations. (The Capital improvements fund is above and beyond our normal giving.)
Quarter Kroger Giving: 12 households participating in Shop Kroger. Add OCC(CL438) to your shoppers card and they will donate a % of your purchases. Go to:
Community Group Leader Training - Are you interested in being a Community Group Leader? For more information or to fill out the interest form, click the link below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Bryan Lamm. Community Group Leader Training
Kids Ministry - We are in need of several volunteers for the Nursery and the Walker Room. If you are interested in volunteering, please see Jordan Smant.
Welcome Class - A four-week class for those new (er) to OCC! You may join the class any Sunday as each section is stand alone. We would just ask that you complete all four independent classes. Please sign up here today! (Childcare Provided)
Round Lake Christian Camp - Join us for an upcoming retreat at Round Lake Christian Camp! For more information or to register, visit Check out the schedule at
Secret Sisters - Proverbs 11:25 “The One who blesses others is abundantly blessed.” Secret Sisters is offered at different times throughout the year. Find out when the next opportunity is to join by contacting Monica White.
Simply Sisters - Proverbs 27:9 “A sweet Friendship refreshes the soul.” Simply Sisters is a great way to get to know other women one at a time for a 4 month period. Simply Sisters is offered at different times throughout the year. Find out when the next opportunity is to join by contacting Monica White.
Women’s Connect - Gatherings are the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Community Building from September through May. This is a great time to get to know each other and make new friends. We have different activities planned each month that include lessons, crafts, and fun! We can’t wait to see you on April 3rd at 6:30pm.
SOS (Sharing Our Strengths) – SOS (Sharing Our Strengths) – We meet the 2nd Monday of the month from 1:00-3:00pm at OCC. SOS is a support group for widows where you can relax and have fun while enjoying great conversations, crafts, lessons, snacks, and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you on April 14th at 1 pm.
Men's Gathering- 3rd Wed of each month @ 6:30pm We offer a monthly men's gathering that is focused on discussing Scripture, fellowship, and breaking bread. Our goal is to challenge one another to grow in maturity. Please check the calendar for the upcoming dates and times.
"2nd Sunday" @ 6pm- Student Ministry meets every second Sunday of the month to study, socialize, and snack! Bring Bibles and Friends! Talk with Jordan Smant for additional info. There is a sign-up sheet on the front table for anyone who would like to share their gift of making meals with our Student Ministry Group that meets on the Second Sunday of each month. Talk to Jordan Smant for more info.
Matthew 25 Outreach - Help to handout food (Monthly in Richland and Ashland Counties)
People Helping People - Making and distributing lunch to our neighbors in need daily opportunity.
Love Inc. - Uniting Churches to Help Neighbors in Need
Crossroads City Center - Laundry, Showers, Haircuts, and more.
Wayfinders - Providing comprehensive support to meet needs and address root causes of homelessness. Transitional Items: New or gently used pots/pans, utensils, curtains, cleaning supplies, blankets, sheets, Pillows, etc
BUY 2 GIVE 1!: Continual needs: personal hygiene, paper products, non-perishable canned goods, & milk. Disinfectant wipes, latex gloves, Lysol spray, pillows, and twin sheets!
Diapers for Shelby
No Bottom Wet Behind Diaper Bank
Donations of diapers are needed for the Shelby donation center. They give out 40 diapers per child each month. Sizes they need the most are sizes 5 and pull-ups. They also take donations of wipes and Desitin. Bring them in and place them next to the BUY 2 Give 1 laundry basket in the foyer.
Rightnow Media: Free resource for your entire family with adult bible studies, great kids content, and more. Rightnow Media Sign up:
03/23/25 - In Person Attendance: 191
Offering -$5,542
(Out of every weekly offering OCC receives, we set aside 10% of it for Missions and 5% for Benevolence.)
**Many new projects around the church are beginning. The balance of the cost will be covered by our ongoing Capital giving. All donations for improvements will go into Capital. Please write capital on these donations. (The Capital improvements fund is above and beyond our normal giving.)
Quarter Kroger Giving: 12 households participating in Shop Kroger. Add OCC(CL438) to your shoppers card and they will donate a % of your purchases. Go to: