Young Adults

The years of being a young adult (18+) can certainly prove to be difficult which makes the need for a community to be known by and belong to very important. The Young Adult ministry at Ontario Christian Church exists to provide that community for young adults: a space to learn what it means to follow Jesus as a young adult alongside others who are seeking to do the same. Some of us are married, some of us are single, some of us have kids, and some of us do not - you are welcome wherever you are at! If you are a young adult (18+) we would love for you to join us and find a place to be known and belong.

Bi - Weekly Meetings

Wednesdays @ 5:30

We currently gather bi-weekly in each others' homes on a regular basis, as well as unplanned hangouts here and there. During the biweekly gatherings, we seek to grow in our love for God and knowledge of His Word through teachings and group discussions. In addition to that, we have time to cultivate depth of relationships with one another as we share our lives together. 

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