Shame - The Thief of Abundant Life
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - John 10:10
As we consider the context of the verse we are exploring, we see Jesus explaining we are the sheep, and he is the Good Shepherd. However, he begins his discourse in verse 1 cautioning us of thieves. He then reiterates this threat in verse 10 before his promise of abundant life. In fact, he warns of strangers, thieves, and robbers 4 times before his declaration of abundant life. Therefore, it seems pertinent that we take some time to consider this admonition from Jesus.
Jesus begins by exposing the motivation of our enemy – utter destruction – the Greek word translated “destroy” literally means to render useless. The enemy desires to steal from you and kill you for the sole purpose of making you utterly useless. He is motivated by an insatiable hatred for you and your Master and wants nothing more than to make you feel worthless. In fact, Jesus says that is the enemy’s only motivation, and everything he brings leads to loss, death, and destruction.
We can all think many tactics used by Satan, but I want to look at one in particular – shame. As believers, we want to do the right thing, live the right way, please our Father and make him proud. Therefore, the awareness of our weaknesses and failings stays in a heightened state. Unfortunately, it is this poverty of spirit (a noble attitude by the way, see Matthew 5:3) that the enemy loves to use to push us to the brink of uselessness. He blurs the line between conviction and shame. So, how do we know the difference between the voice of the enemy and the voice of our Shepherd? Shame is a tactic used by the enemy to keep us off the path of life and render us useless. Conviction, on the other hand, is the loving voice of the Shepherd meant to guide us back to the path of life.
Enemy: “If you really…”
Shepherd: “[Name], you are my child, and I love you.”
Enemy: “I can’t believe you…You’re a hypocrite.”
Shepherd: “Yes, you are imperfect, but I have made you righteous.”
Enemy: “Why would God ever use someone like you.”
Shepherd: “I know you are broken, but I mend what is broken and use your brokenness for my purposes.”
So, ask yourself, “If I listen to and heed this voice, will it lead me to life, or will it lead me to uselessness? Does this voice spur me to action or paralyze me?” My prayer is that God will give you wisdom to discern his voice, the voice of life, over the voice of the enemy.
With much love,
As we consider the context of the verse we are exploring, we see Jesus explaining we are the sheep, and he is the Good Shepherd. However, he begins his discourse in verse 1 cautioning us of thieves. He then reiterates this threat in verse 10 before his promise of abundant life. In fact, he warns of strangers, thieves, and robbers 4 times before his declaration of abundant life. Therefore, it seems pertinent that we take some time to consider this admonition from Jesus.
Jesus begins by exposing the motivation of our enemy – utter destruction – the Greek word translated “destroy” literally means to render useless. The enemy desires to steal from you and kill you for the sole purpose of making you utterly useless. He is motivated by an insatiable hatred for you and your Master and wants nothing more than to make you feel worthless. In fact, Jesus says that is the enemy’s only motivation, and everything he brings leads to loss, death, and destruction.
We can all think many tactics used by Satan, but I want to look at one in particular – shame. As believers, we want to do the right thing, live the right way, please our Father and make him proud. Therefore, the awareness of our weaknesses and failings stays in a heightened state. Unfortunately, it is this poverty of spirit (a noble attitude by the way, see Matthew 5:3) that the enemy loves to use to push us to the brink of uselessness. He blurs the line between conviction and shame. So, how do we know the difference between the voice of the enemy and the voice of our Shepherd? Shame is a tactic used by the enemy to keep us off the path of life and render us useless. Conviction, on the other hand, is the loving voice of the Shepherd meant to guide us back to the path of life.
Enemy: “If you really…”
Shepherd: “[Name], you are my child, and I love you.”
Enemy: “I can’t believe you…You’re a hypocrite.”
Shepherd: “Yes, you are imperfect, but I have made you righteous.”
Enemy: “Why would God ever use someone like you.”
Shepherd: “I know you are broken, but I mend what is broken and use your brokenness for my purposes.”
So, ask yourself, “If I listen to and heed this voice, will it lead me to life, or will it lead me to uselessness? Does this voice spur me to action or paralyze me?” My prayer is that God will give you wisdom to discern his voice, the voice of life, over the voice of the enemy.
With much love,
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